About us
The Ante-Nicene Christian Church is a Christ-Dependent, Biblical Unitarian, Liturgical Communion within our Lord's "One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church". The members of this Church community come from all backgrounds and spectrums of the Faith and share a common salvation in Christ Jesus and a passion to BE THE CHURCH in genuine relational connectivity in the Spirit and unity in mission to serve our Lord Jesus Christ by serving others while fully embracing our Scriptural call to "hold fast to the faith once for all delivered unto the saints". (Jude 3)
Below you will find links to several statements of Identy and Perspective in the faith that we hold in common and that serve to guide and direct our collective ministry in Christ.
Statement of Faith: WHERE WE STAND
What We Mean By "Ante-Nicene"
A.C.C. Communion or Denomination?